Thursday, September 18, 2008

Peggy's arrival

Well, there appears to be a Taiwanese avenue in Gokulum now. On Peggy's block there are 6 Taiwanese women all living and breathing some 30 meters from each other. She seems to be adjusting well now and I just thought I would show you a few snaps. The first photo is of our friends Elise and her boyfriend. She does the Living Mysore Magazine that you can find online. We're in a fabric shop close to the shala. The second photo is from Vivien's. She's Taiwanese and runs a little restaurant across from the shala that makes the good Tibetan bread. That's her daughter Rainbow with Peggy. I'm wearing a hat that Annie gave to Saz. The other two photos are a pair of musical events around town. The first is a special puja to Guruji from the most important drummer from Tamil Nadu. The family was very honoured by his presence. They were stunned actually. I think he's quite famous. The other photo is a kirtan run by my friend Mike from California. He's a sweet guy and we got a little outside of ourselves there for a while. Or inside maybe.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

more pictures to come

This first photo is of the Ganepati festival. The second is a picture for an article the office is orgainsing for I Love Yoga. Sally and Gladys are behind me and the third photo is the view from our window.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back to India!

Dear Friends,
We arrived in India about a week ago. We have a couple of old friends
in town who live here and understand how hard it can be just to put
your bags down and relax. They've made it much easier. One of your
fellow students Peggy just arrived today and illustrates just how hard
it can be. Her plane set down at 11:00 pm and she got out of the concourse
and looked around. However our driver whom we always use--Manohar could
not find her and she couldn't find him. So she proved to be very resourceful
and managed to rent a taxi to drive her 3 hours to Mysore then she rented
a rickshaw that overcharged her by ten times to get her to the Shala. Sharath
was there and she asked for me and he put her in the room we rented for
her across the street. Needless to say she was a little discombobulated.
She's sleeping now, but she lives just next to Vivien who is a Taiwanese
woman who runs a restaurant in Gokulum. Today she made Tsampa, which
is a lovely Tibetan fresh bread. I've got a few pictures here that I thought might
interest you. I will post again after I get a good photo of us with Peggy. : - )